Your holiday at Blind Bothel Cottage

2017 July 18 - 25

Created by Dorians Mummy 6 years ago

Your first and last holiday

I'm SO glad you lived long enough to share this with us..

We went to the Lake District with Granddad Graham, Grandma Diane, Auntie Amelia, your big sister Lara and of course, mammy and daddy.. We went in the last week of July, a month before you left us.

For that week you got to do so much: you went on a boat, you experienced being carried in the chest carrier around Lakes and up hills, you saw a cottage, got to go to an aquarium, a car boot sale, you even had your first food (thanks to dad) and of course, it was white chocolate ice cream.. No wonder you were such a happy little man..

The best holiday I've ever been on, all thanks to you and your sister being with me <3
